Sunday, August 22, 2010

I express no opinion on whether or not Muslims have the right to build a Mosque on private property in accordance with local laws and ordinances. They in fact do have that right. However, just because one has the right to do something, that alone does not make it prudent, wise or empathetic to exercise that right in all circumstances.

As a publicly labeled "Christian", i would never vote to have a Christian church built in the middle east, and I hope you can agree with me that there should be no signs of Nazi insignias around the WW2 memorials, or/and Japanese community centers by Pearl Harbor. SO WHy the Mosque at GZ? Hell, its no longer a question of religion.. Its a question of money, politics, and simple oppression.> you cant reason with people driven by hate. Look at Osama.. Theres no reasoning with him, he just hates america, and I'm sure he has his reasons.

I have nothing against the Muslims, hell i have plenty of 'em as good friends, but even they agree that just because its "legal", as Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt mean its moral, ethical, nor respectful.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Change your tampon

The reviews were right. It is a larger ipod-touch. Plus 3g, and since the games for it are "double density pixels", it makes games which are $0.99 for the ipod touch sell for $4.99. How can you patent multitouch anyway? What the hell is wrong with the patent system?
I have ten fingers, and Ive been multitouching since before the existence of Apple! Ive multitouched windows, Windows(r), apples, phones, TVs. etc

I have a patent of my own, and "boy am i going to patent it!" :

"The process of- When an entity creates a new "idea", it should submit it in writing to a patent office for patent approval."

This process will be my invention, and everything will have to go through me. Ill decide what is a legit patent and is common sense.

So every time someone wants to patent something, they'll think of the fact that patenting belongs to me, and therefore, they'll patent only things I dont understand. Multitouch is not one of things. Fuck off Apple.

(BTW ALL corporations need to suck a certain bag which contains all sorts of sports balls).

Saturday, January 2, 2010

fuck you if youve ever "lol'd" or LMAO'd

Facebook and Myspace!

My favorite points of discussion in the world! Twitter! AOL instant messanger! “LOL” “LMAO” “NP” “DW”

Then people ask why everyone is so antisocial and illiterate. Feel free to blame the schools, but if you dare not blame the “social” networking sites n txt msgs 4 ur childs illiteracy, ur as much a hypocrite as you are a bad parent.

Speaking of which, why are they called “Social networking sites”? They make people antisocial! They give people a false identity! They give these people an internet “mask” to hide behind! I know so many people that love to “lol” (laugh out loud) at “comments” sent to them by their friends, but when I see these people in REAL LIFE (one day we wont know the meaning of these words), they can’t make conversation. They look at your face wishing it was a 3 by 3 inch screen with a keypad attached to it. This world is going down the toilet. LOL.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Whats the difference between "urs" and "up yours"?

I know my English isn’t anywhere near perfect (but far from it), and I am not as proud a linguist as I should be, but my jugular vein expands to exponential parameters when I see people who don’t know the difference between “you’re”, “your”, and “they’re”, “there” and “their”. It is time to take responsibility. There is no reason to be in high school and don’t know the difference.

I took a placement exam here in CSI (my mediocre college) . If I had to revise the English part of the exam, it would have two questions: One would be to define the difference between “your and you’re” and the second question would be to define the difference between “there, they're, and their”.

I bet 60% of the school wouldn’t be here.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fuck government housing.

Thank [insert area of belief] for immigrants. They take their work ethic from counties where it takes a certain level of skill, culture, intellect, and work ethic to survive and they come to a country which has made all this easy.

They take their homegrown values into the land of opportunity (which is usually for their sake of their kids) and being that they come from a lifetime of hard work, they see no reason to stop working here, simply because the government protects them from living on the street.

Why is it that 2nd,3rd, and 4th generation of X-american immigrants tend to slack off? IF they only knew what their grandparents went through to plant their new seed on Americas soil, nobody would be living in “government housing”.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

You're Fucked.

The education system is the reason this country is in the dirt. The world is laughing at our “curriculum”. How can we take pride in the average student, let alone the student body as a whole? Public schools are jokes.

I have a very different view of college teachers. College professors, (in every college) need real qualifications, and are therefore very educated. College professors teach people who are curious, which makes for new ideas and debates. I love it when I challenge professor’s ideas, because it allows me to explore my point of view, and theirs, whom I respect very much.
REAL teachers in high school are one in a million

I've had maybe two or three teachers in my entire public school education which genuinely knew the subject matter and explained it students with a certain level of intelligence and passion. 95% of my teachers have stuck to the bare minimums of the “curriculum”. I've had enough substitute professors in my college career where I can count them on one hand. I've never had a substitute in college who just gave us a “worksheet”.. No sir, I had to whip out my notebook and be ready for a full-blown lecture, which was usually more work than the regular class itself. In high school, the “sub” was synonymous with a “free period”. People ate, talked and ultimately did whatever they wanted to for 40 minutes to an hour.

Do you know how the education system works? I do.

The reason that marked attendance is crucial in public schools is that for every day the school is populated, the more money it gets from the government! The more people in the school, the more money the school gets. I am sure it is similar in college, but even though everyone struggles to pay a $3,000 tuition per semester, the government subsidizes it heavily. The real cost of per-student tuition in a CUNY, as C.S.I. is closer to $15,000 per semester.

Wonder why public school teachers care about your attendance? BREAKING NEWS: THEY DON’T. They are told to take attendance by a higher authority, the same people who are in charge of the schools finances. I paid my bill for C.S.I. this semester. If I don’t go to class, then I’m not using $15,000 of the governments resources, and nobody could give a damn. Why?

Because for every student who doesn’t go to class but does pay tuition, hundreds of people are fighting for the same spot who will make use of the money, and the education system.

I wouldn’t hold my own against the knowledge and experience or wisdom of a college-grade professor, but some of the “teachers” in high school (which is where it counts the most, by the way) are just jokes.

Anybody can be a public school teacher. I hold no shame in saying that. They know who they are.

My immigration test was more difficult than some of the courses I had to take in my public education years. We need more college professors teaching less college and more high school.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why cant you teach me history?

Why is it that history books are so manipulated? America has a glorious past, and people should protect that knowledge. I cannot say the same for modern America (the past 10 years), so I would not care much if we lie about what is happening to this country as a whole, but I wouldn’t have respect for a liar.

Why is it that every nation has a different view of what happened in World War one AND two? The facts are out there, but its nearly impossible to piece it together because of all the hidden politics.