Thursday, December 24, 2009

If someone were to find a cure for cancer, they would not live to see another day.

The FDA is the most corrupt organization in the world (source: Common sense).
The American government “spends” 5 billion dollars on cancer “research” per year (source:

If I find a cure for cancer, do you really think the people who are making even a thousandth of a percent of that money would want me to put them out of business?

People need to open their minds, and just THINK for 3 seconds.

What about the millions of lives lost to cancer? Some of those people would have been (even judging just by statistics) great world leaders, the next “Ghandi”, another Warren Buffet or George Soros, Bill Gates, Nikola Tesla.

Which reminds me, just to prove my point: Nikola Tesla (I have never learned about him in public school), is the reason we have technology today. He invented methods of electricity and nearly all the electronic devices we use today are based off his work, in variation or another.

However, one day, Tesla developed something called “radio”, but his initial invention of radio was the ability to send electricity through the air onto target antennas. This invention (which was one of thousands), later allowed him to discover a way to harness, literally, free electricity from the Earths ground and the sky, and he has proven to many scientists and professors that this method would allow an infinite and free source of electricity.

This was the last straw, as energy companies saw it, and have since made many attempts on his life and have had his labs and all his work burned on many occasions. Being that so many people knew about his work, as he was quick to pass his ideas onto colleagues, he was quick to recover his work and experiments. He dies for unknown reasons later in New York.

The corruption in this world tires me out.

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