My favorite points of discussion in the world! Twitter! AOL instant messanger! “LOL” “LMAO” “NP” “DW”
Then people ask why everyone is so antisocial and illiterate.Feel free to blame the schools, but if you dare not blame the “social” networking sites n txt msgs 4 ur childs illiteracy, ur as much a hypocrite as you are a bad parent.
Speaking of which, why are they called “Social networking sites”?They make people antisocial!They give people a false identity!They give these people an internet “mask” to hide behind!I know so many people that love to “lol” (laugh out loud) at “comments” sent to them by their friends, but when I see these people in REAL LIFE (one day we wont know the meaning of these words), they can’t make conversation.They look at your face wishing it was a 3 by 3 inch screen with a keypad attached to it.This world is going down the toilet.LOL.